Monday, January 19, 2009

More on the Birth Story project...

... thank you for all the stories that have been submitted! As of yesterday, I had 38 wonderful, diverse stories compiled and edited together. I wanted to have 40 stories, so posted a status on FB looking for a few more - and got a great response!

Just putting the stories together re-affirmed my thoughts that women really, really can benefit from hearing the stories of birth that are out there. Not the "made-for-TV, cut-out-all-the-middle-stuff" kind - the real deal, experienced and remembered by real women. (I should point out that the 'editing' I've done is limited to spelling/grammar kind of stuff, and a few spots where I did very minor re-wording to make it a bit more understandable. No cutting out of things, no adding!)

So now I'm looking into figuring out how the heck a person goes about publishing this kind of thing...?! That may be an ordeal in itself, but we'll see where that goes. If nothing else, I guess I can print off copies on my computer! :) Maybe not realistic...!

If anyone is reading this, I need some help on titles... so give me your input! My "vision" is that this book could be a nice guide, along with the "What to Expect..." kind of books, appealing particularly to expectant mothers... so what to name it?!

Here are a few thoughts...

"The Birth Story Project: 40 Births for Your 40 Weeks"
"Memoirs of Birth"
"It's a ... Baby!" (Stories of Birth)

Any thoughts? Suggestions??